As long as we cannot move away from the earth in masses, or cannot import from space,
the earth is a planet completely dependent upon itself, apart from the (necessary) solar
energy and maybe other (not defined, but necessary) space energy.

One third of world population is starving.  This means that the cultivated area is already
one third too small to provide for the real needs.  Although (next to intensifying the
production per m2) we could try, with enormous efforts, to expand the cultivated area in
deserts, steppes and bare grounds, it is a fact that we will have to use as much as
possible of the “open space” in the agglomerations for food production.  All the more
because it would be wise to spare jungles, forests, woods and other natural environments,
or even better to extend them (spare areas).

If these priorities are accepted, it will in theory be almost impossible to increase the surface
of urban agglomerations, which could bring the inhabitation of the earth in a difficult position. 
If we want to secure a maximal living comfort for all, living will have to be organized a lot more
efficiently (than has been the case up to now).  Urban space will have to be used much more
intensively.  In this critical stage, it would be better for everybody to try and organize his own
living situation individually, following his own taste, means, possibilities and limitations. –  
Similar to the completely decentralized organization of vegetable life (phytocenosis) in which
every specimen takes every responsibility within the limitations and possibilities of the habitat. –
On the other hand, the macro enterprises of corporate bodies (structured groups of individuals,
such as associations, limited liability partnerships, unions, parties, clubs, etc…) should be
subjected to very stringent rules, in view of bringing the macro influences and macro land
consumption of those enterprises in the ecotope (the whole of environmental elements and
biocenosis(1)) into balance with the micro influences and micro land consumption of the
individual – analogous to nature, where the biological balance remains steady in an
environment with a great variety of species : the influences on one specific species are of a
great variety. On the other hand, the balance in natural environments with a limited variety of
species is more easily upset; an important growth of one specific species may occur (plagues).

All that is disturbing and unnecessary must be disposed of (shot into space).  What remains
should be stored in a clear and compact manner (avoiding one-dimensional use of these
storage places).  Because all biological commmunities (antropocenosis(2), zoöcenosis(3),
phytocenosis, microcenosis(4) and mycocenosis(5)) are closely linked to each other, we must
pay attention not to suffocate any one of them.  This means that pollution should be kept at a
minimum and that as far as possible everything will have to be recycled most efficiently and
spread again over the cultivated area.  In this way we will lose as little as possible of the bio-
elements (needed for the phytocenosis).

Luckily, oceans and seas (which biocenosis are in a critical stage) still make up a spatial
reserve, twice as big as the available space on land.  Thus the complete world population
could be housed on 1.000.000 passenger ships (40.000 tons).  On 2.000.000 ships they could
even enjoy a certain degree of comfort.  The total Belgian population could perfectly live on
5.000 passenger ships (40.000 tons).

I dare hope that the above world image of “momental times” makes clear that town planning
and architecture should be considered from a new, “orbanic” point of view.  In “momental times”
town planning and architecture use orbanic priorities.  The esthetic priorities and styles of the
“non-momental times” no longer apply in a situation of do-it-yourself architecture and self-made
cities, in which every individual determines the urban environment.

The function of the town planner architect  (orbanist, orban planner) in “momental times” has even
become of a totally different nature.  Much like the (pictorial) function of a painting (in western art)
after the invention of photography, town planning and (orbanism, orban planning) underwent an
important change of function and meaning.  “Information” (reduction of uncertainty) is now an
important part of the “momental” orbanist’s (orban planner’s) activities; het is a medium, a
trendsetter and/or town fool, etc…  He designs, publishes, performs, shows, realizes or plays, etc…

“Free space” is his goal from now on.  Instead of infrastructures determining earth space and
making it one-dimensional, the orbanist (orban planner) now uses ultrastructures, extending
earth space without limiting the variety of possibilities.

The orbanist (orban planner) is now primarily a theoretician, who in rare cases realizes his
visionary views on spaces of planet earth.

Although dynamic and evolving, planet earth, on which orbanism (orban planning) realizes itself
under influence of the actions of all individuals, can at every moment be considered as completed
during “momental times”.

(Reviewed translation of the Orban Planning Manifesto,  originally published in the catalogue
“Open Space”, 1980, ICC-Antwerp)

(1)  Community of all living organisms
(2)  Human community
(3)  Animal community
(4)  Community of bacteria
(5)  Community of fungi